
With age, both men and women undergo the process of fat deposits--


With age, both men and women undergo the process of fat deposits under the chin, which makes the chin area look weird. A double chin makes your face look old and aged that can make the public appearance quite embarrassing.

Don’t want to affect the glow of the face due to a double chin? Go for chin liposuction. It can diligently help you to bring great results on the face.

When should you go for a chin liposuction?

If you have hormonal imbalance owing to which your face looks fat with aching protrude or there is a large deposit of fats on the face specifically on the chin then all you need to do is to undergo the chin liposuction to get rid of double chin.

Procedure for Chin Liposuction Surgery (Chin Lift)

The surgery is carried out under the local anesthesia with the proper care of medications and drugs that will ensure no internal bleeding is there after the delivery.

Our expert Dr. Kalia first injects a solution, known as lidocaine that acts as anaesthesia, which numbs the area around the chin. After this, another solution known as the vasoconstrictor injects into the fat cells. With this solution the pain as well as bleeding reduces and then, the small incisions carried out. Post the incisions, the cannula is inserted in such a way that the complete amount of fat is suctioned out with the fluid.

Precautions to be Taken for Chin Liposuction
  • Consult the doctor for the regular checkups
  • Before the incision surgery go for a regular health update and if you notice any side effects after the surgery then you should immediately consult the doctor.
  • Infection due to incision and swelling may occur for few days near the treated area.
  • Swelling with little pain and fever can cause irritation.
  • Side effects can differ from person to person as per the amount of volume of fat removed.


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