Pre-operative Instructions

  • Routine Laboratory Test Hb( Hemoglobin), BT(Bleeding Time) ,CT(Clotting Time ) , Blood Urea , Serum Creatinine ,FBS (Fasting Blood Sugar ) must be done and ECG (only if you are more than 40 years or have any heart problem) should be done.
  • Refrain from all nicotine products, including cigarettes, pipe tobacco, chew or Nicotine patch. Nicotine interferes with healthy circulation and may affect the result of your surgery. It also places you at higher risk of complication when receiving anesthesia.
  • Do not drink alcohol for 1 week before and after surgery.
  • On the evening prior to surgery, please eat a light meal and avoid alcohol consumption.
  • DO NOT EAT OR DRINK ANYTHING AFTER MIDNIGHT (This includes water and gum chewing). Surgery may be cancelled if this is not followed. A fasting state is required in order to receive sedation for surgery. The only exception is medication, which we instruct you to take with a sip of water the morning of surgery.
  • Please make arrangements for someone to pick you up after your procedure and drive you home. You may NOT drive yourself home from the clinic as medications given during surgery will make it unsafe for you to drive.
  • Plan to have someone with you for 24 hours after surgery, to care for you.
  • Do not wear nail polish. The natural color of your nails is an indicator of your general health. Also, please do not wear makeup. For your safety during surgery, all jewelry must be removed. Please do not wear jewelry to the hospital; leave it at home. Body jewelry, as well, must be removed.
  • We are concerned about privacy for all surgical day care patients. We request that you limit yourself to one support person (family, friend), should you feel the need to have someone with you preoperatively. Please do not bring children.
  • Do not take any products containing aspirin, ibuprofen, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication or Vitamin E. Tylenol is acceptable.
  • Please ensure that all laboratory tests and/or blood work has been completed a day before surgery. Call 0172-5089000 or 91- 8146266227to obtain your arrival time for the day of surgery.
Day of Surgery:
  • You may shower and shampoo the morning of surgery. Do not wear makeup, hair sprays or gels, or nail polish. You may leave acrylic nails on.
  • Please wear loose fitting clothing.
  • Do not wear jewelry, including body jewelry or bring valuables to surgery.
  • If you have your menstrual cycle, please wear a feminine napkin. Do not wear a tampon.


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Dr. Kalia is known globally, especially for his Medical Tourism program


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